Knight of Love and Dreams

Knight of Love and Dreams
Fighting for my dreams

Friday 13 April 2012


 Sensitive  Artistic Intelligent Modest Rewarded
Art is a form of expression , a form of intelligence that not many people can understand and not many people can keep up with. As a matter of fact Art has many representatives such as musicians , painters , dancers , mosaic artists e.t.c

Thursday 22 March 2012


                 JUST VISITORS….
I couldn’t decide about what will be my next article , I was sitting in my room all day and trying to figure out my next topic but my attempts were fruitless , I was helpless,  every and each of my thoughts/ideas were passing my mind’s high street without even stopping to the the traffic lights , that was really rude !

Wednesday 14 March 2012


                                  DAY DREAMER 
Are dreams important to our lives ? Are dreams a kind of motivation that we impose to ourselves, so that we can achieve our future goals/plans ? Or a way to escape the chaotic reality ? To be honest I don’t really know the answer…

The thing that I know for sure , is that everything starts with a dream. Dreams , are source of positive energy ,passion, creativity and happiness. Its our “NARNIA” place , our shelter where we can hide and create our own world , with our own rules . Away from everything and everyone that can harm us , that don’t believe in us , that don’t respect our dreams .